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The Future Maritime Leaders Network sprung from an annual essay competition held by the Global Maritime Forum from 2019 to 2023. Winners of the Future Maritime Leaders essay competition were invited to attend the Annual Summit and share their insights and vision with some of the sector’s most influential figures. The essay competition was replaced by the Future Maritime Leaders Network to expand the next generation’s influence and bring more diversified perspectives to the industry.
The Future Maritime Leaders Network currently consists of 20 members from 19 countries. All members are under the age of 35 and either currently enrolled in a maritime education programme or have recently started their careers.
The members of the Future Maritime Leaders Network identified three key needs to be addressed by today’s industry leaders. In a joint statement, they called for increased transparency and accountability backed by robust mechanisms like whistle-blower programmes, urged maritime companies to invest more in education and establish partnerships with academic institutions, and pressed for a commitment to empowering seafarers by ensuring safe working conditions, fair wages, and protection from abuse.
Future Maritime Leaders Network
Latest insights and reports from the Future Maritime Leaders Network
Meet the Future Maritime Leaders Network team

Susanne Justesen
Director, Human Sustainability, Global Maritime Forum