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The first major output of Diversity@Sea was the 15 Key Pain Points for Women at Sea report, based on insights from interviews with 115 female seafarers. In the spring of 2023, a group of industry leaders and seafarers of different ranks worked together to co-design possible solutions to address the identified pain points. These solutions are currently being tested on 12 pilot vessels with the aim of determining how to make working conditions inclusive and attractive to everyone onboard. Other Diversity@Sea initiatives, including those targeting sexual misconduct and pregnancy at sea, are under development.
The initiative currently comprises more than 25 member companies from the All Aboard Alliance, ranging from shipowners and ship managers to financial and corporate service companies. Of these, 12 companies are contributing one vessel each to the Diversity@Sea pilot project: Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, bp shipping, Cargill Ocean Transportation, Chevron Shipping, Diana Shipping, Dorian LPG, GasLog, Hafnia, MISC Marine, Stena Group, Synergy Marine Group, and Swire Shipping. Data collection from the pilot is conducted by the Global Maritime Forum in partnership with PsyFyi.
The 12 companies participating in the Diversity@Sea pilot have committed to having an ambitious gender balance on board, ensuring proper conditions for menstrual needs and private hygiene, providing 24/7 wi-fi access, and ensuring inclusive personal protective equipment. Additionally, the pilot is testing measures aimed at creating a more inclusive environment, freedom from abuse, harassment, and bullying, and more flexible conditions to accommodate work/life planning. The pilot's long-term ambition is to create a new set of golden standards for the maritime industry.
Meet the Diversity@Sea team

Susanne Justesen
Director, Human Sustainability, Global Maritime Forum
Juš Javornik
Project Coordinator, Global Maritime Forum